Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tot School

Tot School

Bella is 23 months old.

We found this travel version of connect 4 at Walmart in the dollar section. It was hard work to get the little disks in but she worked on it for a while.

We talked about feelings using the Tot book over at 1+1+1=1 blog.

Bella's favorite is to make the sad face and talk with a sad voice. She loved acting out the different emotions that were a part of the tot book.

We started a colors book. Bella already knows her colors but I thought she would like this and it worked on her fine motor.

We played on the computer with Papa.
We also used tongs to put the pompoms in the egg carton.

Getting ready for gymnastics. Apparently this outfit requires bunny ears.
Our first gymnastics class. Unfortunately I had class but Papa and Bella had a lot of fun.