Bella helped Papa build a wall in our house.
She wanted to help sweep.
She helped Papa measure and draw lines.
And she worked on walking on a "balance beam".
She loves to help put silverware away.
She played outside with a bowl of water. Then the dogs decided to help drink it!
We also got out paintbrushes and painted letters and shapes on the deck with water.
I am so sad that this is my last week at home with Bella.
I am going to miss all the fun we've had during the day.
I am going to miss all the fun we've had during the day.
I hope you adjust to your new routine and find a good balance that works well for your whole family!
Thinking of you and hoping you truly have a good week.
My little girl (21 months) loves to sweep, too! :)
I love the balancing beam picture. I hope things go smoothly for you as you (all) adjust to a new schedule!
She is such a good little helper! Very cute.
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